devlog: credits

beta-testing users, itch-gamers, developers, lets-play versions, easter-egg analyzing people

If there are any suggestions that you'd miss in that game / in reference of its description, banner or title / if you're planning some "let's play"-videos on youtube/twitch/discord/etc., this discussion-thread would be the spot for info which refers about this game's release.

Also if you could offer testing that game on additional systems for either getting many or rather less features working there, like the fact of "input"-tags being visualized in a different way, depending on the used browser.

It would be also awesome if generally textbased games could be started on virtual-reality devices or how this game looks like on linux-systems, same for touchphones as way smaller screens if the added fullscreen-mode could get it still playable or just looking odd somehow.

I'd be open for adding possible background-audio, I guess. In case someone would volunteer for composing some instruments mixed as ambiete/chill-music for this or its sequels.

All collab'ing users would also getting credited in e.g. the game's description on itch-platform, I'm still firuging out how to get a background, specific font/size/etc. added there anyway.

credits of users for game-testing, previewing & feedbacks:

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